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What is the Multi-Tiered System of Supports in the Rose Tree Media School District?
MTSS is a team approach that assists teachers and families in planning and implementing strategies that are designed to promote academic, emotional/social, and behavioral success for all students.
Who are the members of an MTSS team?
The team may include: the child's parents/guardians, MTSS teacher, classroom teacher, building principal, guidance counselor, reading specialist, math specialist, speech and language specialist, occupational therapist, school nurse, school psychologist, EL teacher, and special area teachers. It may also include members of the school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) team.
What are the core characteristics of the MTSS framework?
- All students receive high quality, research-based, core instruction in the general education standards-aligned system.
- All students are screened to determine academic status compared to grade level benchmarks multiple times a year.
- All staff assume an active role in students' assessment and instruction.
- Student progress toward grade level benchmarks is continuously monitored.
- Targeted interventions matched to the student's needs are implemented and measured.
- Parents / Caregivers are essential members of the MTSS team. They are informed of their child's status in the MTSS framework and receive periodic reports on their student's progress.
How does the MTSS process work?
- A request for student assistance is received by the MTSS teacher.
- The MTSS teacher meets with the team to determine, based on data and classroom performance and observation, if the child will benefit from the MTSS process.
- If the team believes the student will benefit from being a part of this process, the MTSS teacher contacts the student's parents/guardians to explain the process, schedule a meeting date, and describe the parents' critical role as a team member.
- The MTSS teacher and classroom teacher meet to discuss the student's strengths and concerns.
- The MTSS teacher gathers data and summarizes the information. At the meeting, the MTSS team analyzes the data and information. A measurable student goal and intervention plan to achieve the goal is then developed.
- The interventions are implemented, monitored, evaluated, and redesigned if necessary.
- At the end of the intervention period, the team reconvenes to evaluate the success of the plan and to make decisions about how to proceed.
Who can request assistance and how?
Anyone who has a concern about a student may request assistance. Generally, the child's classroom teacher or parents/guardians will make the request. If you have any questions about the process, please email or call the MTSS teacher by visiting the Our Team page of the MTSS website.
Contact Us
Christa Consadene
Director of Technology for Instruction, Intervention, and Assessment