Youth Truth Overview

  • The Rose Tree Media  School District partnered with the national nonprofit YouthTruth to survey staff, students, and families in March 2024. The surveys gathered feedback and perceptions from each group about a variety of factors that contribute to the cultures of the schools in the RTMSD.  RTMSD principals analyzed and shared the data from last year’s survey with their faculty and staff and created goals and action plans to implement this school year.  The principals followed this same process with this year’s data.  

    Based on the feedback we received from our stakeholders, we decided that this is the final year we are using the Youth Truth Survey.  We plan to develop and administer surveys to all our stakeholders to continue to gather feedback to improve our programs and schools.  

    We are grateful to all of our stakeholders who completed this survey.  The information we gather helps us identify our areas for growth and our areas of strength.  We strive to continuously improve to achieve the mission of the Rose Tree Media School District and to cultivate and support an inclusive culture where everyone belongs and each person’s inherent dignity is honored.

    The survey was administered in March 2024.  A total of 3974 students, staff, and caregivers participated.

    • 751 Caregivers (18% of the total population)

    • 2,804 Students (86% of the total population)

    • 419 Staff (71% of the total population)

    You will find respondent data for each school in the reports below.