• Summary of Attendance Procedures

    Acceptable reasons for being absent:

    • Child illness
    • Death of an immediate family member (funeral)
    • Religious holiday
    • Urgent reasons (court appearances, doctor appointments, etc.)
    • Pre-planned absence (see student handbook for details)

    What are my obligations following my child’s absence?

    • Students must be called out for each day of absence.
    • A note must be provided within three days of each absence.
    • If your child was out for five or more consecutive days due to illness, you must provide a doctor’s note.
    • If your child has already missed 10 school days, you must provide a doctor’s note with each additional absence.

    Consult your student handbook for further clarification on attendance procedures.

    What To Do When Your Child Has Trouble Attending School:

    • Talk to your child and try to find out why he or she does not want to go to school.
    • Talk to the school counselor. Work together to find a solution.  Let your child be involved in the process.  
    • Request a home visit from the home and school visitor or school social worker.
    • Be sure to stay in close contact with the school to monitor your child’s attendance.

    If the problem continues, contact local community resources such as the Delaware County Truancy and Delinquency Prevention Program (484-454-8700).