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RTMSD School Board Approves Final 2024-25 Budget

The Rose Tree Media School District Board of School Directors approved the Final Budget for the 2024-25 school year at its Legislative Meeting on Thursday, May 23.

The approved General Fund Budget outlines $121,782,732 in expenses, with anticipated revenue of $120,736,507 and a projected use of $1,046,225 from the fund balance. This budget also includes a 3.5% tax increase. As explained by this fact sheet, this increase is below the 5.3% index set by Act 1, the state-mandated limit on increases in revenues from property taxes.

Only 0.39% of the district’s overall revenue is sourced from the federal government, while 82.6% is generated locally, largely from annual real estate taxes. The budget will cover rising costs associated with federal and state mandates, such as special education, retirement contributions, and charter school tuition, and respond to revenue challenges stemming from limited state and federal assistance, which increases the district's reliance on local property taxes.

“Our district, like many others in Pennsylvania, is grappling with high operational costs and limited funding,” says Dr. Joseph Meloche, RTMSD Superintendent. “Our administrative team and school board are dedicated to upholding our district’s commitment to educational excellence while also being mindful of the financial impact on our community.”