Choose Registration Year

  • The Rose Tree Media School District will no longer be accepting registration packets in person. All registration will be done through our on-line enrollment system.

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation in the registration process. If we can be of further assistance to you, please contact our Registration Office at 610-627-6019.


    The following records must be provided for registration:

    • Copies of parental proof of residency AND a document establishing identity.

    • Residency verification must be either a deed, current lease agreement, current real estate tax bill or current mortgage statement (utility bills will not be accepted). 

    • Identity verification must be either a valid driver’s license, DOT identification card or voter registration card.

    • Copy of child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or valid passport.

    • A copy of the child’s most recent dental exam, physical exam and immunizations. Immunization Requirements
    • If the student has received special education services through early intervention, please provide a copy of the IEP (including Evaluation Report/Re-Evaluation Report).

    • If there is a court order regarding child custody, please attach it to the registration. If the student's parents maintain separate households without a custody order, the resident parent with primary custodial time (50% of the time or more) is eligible to register the student. Please provide a notarized letter stating the custody arrangements (e.g., “with Mom Monday – Thursday and with Dad Friday – Sunday”). 

    Please note the following: 

    • The Rose Tree Media School District does not offer full day kindergarten. Students are assigned to either a morning (AM) or afternoon (PM) session.
    • If you are unsure of which elementary school your child will attend, please see Elementary School Attendance Boundaries.
    • Parents/guardians who live with relatives or friends must complete a Multiple Occupancy Affidavit. Residency inquiries/requests for affidavit forms may be directed to the Registration Office at 610-627-6019.

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