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- Penncrest High School
- Course Selection
Selecting courses that set you up for success and prepare you to achieve your post-secondary goals is among the most important jobs you have. Of course, we are here to support you every step of the way. The information we provide is important for you to understand what is available, how to map out your future, and how to select your courses for next year.
Course Offerings
All Independent Study applications must be evaluated by a counselor and administrator and pre-approved by a parent/guardian and a sponsor (if applicable). Independent Study credits may include:
formal, accredited coursework (earning a credit or certificate, does not include dual enrollment);
extensive non-certificated study or training under the supervision of an approved outside resource;
faculty-sponsored Independent Study.
The process for Independent Study approval is as follows:
Request an Independent Study Approval Request Form from the Counseling Office.
Meet with your counselor to discuss the plan.
Obtain all pre-approvals (Parent/Guardian, Sponsor, Counselor).
Meet with your grade-level administrator for final approval.
Bring the completed form to Mr. Reimschussel in the main office for processing.
Independent Study credits are transcribed as elective credits and do not replace core-area graduation requirements or specific Penncrest courses. Please see the Guide to Academic Programs and your counselor for more information. -